what do we treat

We provide physical therapy, hand therapy, massage therapy, work rehabilitation, and treat a full range of musculo-skeletal conditions. We always try to find the most efficient path for you to get better and return to things you love to do. Thorough evaluation, individualized treatment, and an efficient home exercise program that makes sense to you - these are the keys to a successful physical and massage therapy treatment. Below are a few common conditions we treat as well as our specialties:

Pre- and Post-surgical rehabilitation

While post-surgical became a standard, pre-surgery rehab is what sets you up for success. Pre-operative rehab reduces your recovery time. For example, one of the best predictors of success of ACL reconstruction is knee extension range of motion prior to the surgery!


Total joints replacements: knee, hip, shoulder, ankle

As standard as total joint surgeries have become, especially for the hips and knees, recovery times vary and depend on many factors. One of the strongest predictors of the outcome is Range of Motion (ROM) and strength before the surgery. In addition, a single pre-op visit before joint replacement surgery goes a long way in setting expectations, decreasing unnecessary anxiety (and pain!), and answering questions you might have. Let us decrease your pain and inflammation so that you can recover quicker.


fall prevention and balance

Statistics are brutal here. 1 out of 4 older adults (65+) falls every year. in 2014 alone, 29 million falls occurred  among the older adult population of 47 million. Don't take our word for it, here is a link to the CDC. Complete Physical Therapy has a unique Balance and Fall prevention program that includes a screen to identify fall risk, a home exercise program, and optional classes with a post-screen to assess your progress.

Have questions about our Balance and Fall Prevention program? Contact us if you or your loved ones need help - We Love to Help!



Individualized exercise programs are crucial to ensure safety with exercise when one is diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia, as the degree of bone loss, health conditions, and exercise habits must be taken into account. We are developing a unique comprehensive Osteoporosis Program. Contact us for details.



Impingement, osteoarthritis, and bursitis of the hip frequently lead to a decrease in activities which results in a decline of the quality of life.


Sport Injuries

Zillion (about as real of a number as it gets) of studies show the benefits of exercise, and it sure makes us feel better - just ask anyone who exercises on a regular basis. Don't accept pain and occasional injuries as fait accompli; let's figure out what brings it on and get you back to your goals.


ankle sprain

Frequently overlooked and dismissed as a nuisance, these can come back and haunt you with a vengeance. If not addressed properly, an ankle sprain will lead to ankle instability and can cause significant compensations up the lower extremity chain: knee, hip, and low back.


Concussion is an injury that results in a temporary loss of normal brain function. Whether sustained in a sport activity or at work, effects of a concussion can be serious. In physical therapy we address the Sx that frequently include but not limited to headaches, neck pain, difficulties with balance, and fatigue.

Work Injuries

Work, and the ability to be able to perform tasks that you are good at, are a huge part of our lives. We'll help you to return to work and your life successfully, safely, and quickly.

cervicogenic headaches

These frequently get confused with migraines. Cervicogenic headache is a secondary headache, which means that it is caused by another illness or physical issue. Frequently it is a soft tissue dysfunction, either as a primary dysfunction, or compensation from other stresses. Physical Therapists are very successful in treating these types of headaches!



Stenosis, disc herniation, sciatica, pinched nerve, degenerative disc disease (DDD), degenerative joint disease (DJD), osteoarthritis, sacro-iliac dysfunction, lumbago, facet dysfunction, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis - all of these sound scary enough, and sure bring pain and misery. At the same time, all these conditions are treatable and manageable. Let's find the right route for your back.

Frequently overlooked are thoracic spine dysfunctions. These tend to lead to compensations at the cervical region, lumbar region, or both.


vestibular (BPPV) rehab

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common causes of vertigo. It is typically a brief, intense sensation of spinning that usually occurs when getting out of bed or turning your head too quickly. Physical therapists are successful in recognizing and treating this condition.


Whiplash and MVA

Whiplash is a neck injury caused by a sudden movement of the head forward and back, as in a car accident. Whiplash symptoms are not unlike those associated with concussion and may include fatigue, dizziness,  headaches, neck pain, and back pain.

Hand Therapy

Hand therapy is a specialty area of physical or occupational therapy that is concerned with treating orthopedic based upper extremity conditions to optimize the use of the hand and arm with your function in mind.

Wound Care

Wound care is an important step in avoiding serious complications after an injury where there was a break in skin and of course after surgical procedures. Without proper care, a wound can turn into serious infections such as cellulitis or sepsis.

Our therapists will analyze the wound, watch and treat infection if needed, provide you with necessary education and treatment options.